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Crown Crystal Lemon Squeezers.

Description: D:\Documents\WEBS\JuicerCollector-2007\Juicers\Images_2\Crown_Bullet.jpg

I have identified these 6 different developmental types for this juicer.

Description: D:\Documents\WEBS\JuicerCollector-2007\Juicers\Images_2\Crown_Bullet.jpg

All six types exist for clear glass.

Description: D:\Documents\WEBS\JuicerCollector-2007\Juicers\Images_2\Crown_Bullet.jpg

All six types exist for green glass.

Description: D:\Documents\WEBS\JuicerCollector-2007\Juicers\Images_2\Crown_Bullet.jpg

I have only found types 1 and 2 for amber glass.

Description: D:\Documents\WEBS\JuicerCollector-2007\Juicers\Images_2\Crown_Bullet.jpg

I have only found types 1 and 4 for smokey grey coloured glass.

Description: D:\Documents\WEBS\JuicerCollector-2007\Juicers\Images_2\Crown_Bullet.jpg I have green blue and yellow tinged glass and will catalogue them shortly.
Description: D:\Documents\WEBS\JuicerCollector-2007\Juicers\Images_2\Crown_Bullet.jpg

The diameter is relatively the same as is the height (tip of cone). The weight varies bewteen 270 g and 420 g which is significant.

Click on the top views to see a larger image


End View
Shows size and profile of the reamer
Top View
Shows the orientation of the reamer ridges to, and their distance from, the pip collectors

Type 1 - Depression period

Description: D:\Documents\WEBS\JuicerCollector-2007\Juicers\Images_2\Crown_Bullet.jpg

Small reamer (cone).

Description: D:\Documents\WEBS\JuicerCollector-2007\Juicers\Images_2\Crown_Bullet.jpg

Ridges of the reamer point between the pip collectors.

Description: D:\Documents\WEBS\JuicerCollector-2007\Juicers\Images_2\Crown_Bullet.jpg

This type may or may not have mould numbers.

Type 1 - Side view
Type 1 - top view

Type 2 - Depression period

Description: D:\Documents\WEBS\JuicerCollector-2007\Juicers\Images_2\Crown_Bullet.jpg

Small reamer (cone), although bigger than Type 1.

Description: D:\Documents\WEBS\JuicerCollector-2007\Juicers\Images_2\Crown_Bullet.jpg

Ridges of the reamer point between the pip collectors and the ridges of the reamer are larger and sharper, and finish closer to the pip collectors

Description: D:\Documents\WEBS\JuicerCollector-2007\Juicers\Images_2\Crown_Bullet.jpg

This type may or may not have mould numbers.

Type 2 - Side view

Type 2 - top view


Type 2a - Depression period

Description: D:\Documents\WEBS\JuicerCollector-2007\Juicers\Images_2\Crown_Bullet.jpg

Small reamer (cone), although bigger than Type 1. This type is very similar to type 1.

Description: D:\Documents\WEBS\JuicerCollector-2007\Juicers\Images_2\Crown_Bullet.jpg

Ridges of the reamer point between the pip collectors and the ridges of the reamer are larger and sharper, and finish closer to the pip collectors

Description: D:\Documents\WEBS\JuicerCollector-2007\Juicers\Images_2\Crown_Bullet.jpg

This type may or may not have mould numbers.

Description: D:\Documents\WEBS\JuicerCollector-2007\Juicers\Images_2\Crown_Bullet.jpg

There is an embossed (raised) map of Australia on the thumb grip.

Type 2a - Side view
Type 2a - top view

Type 3 - Depression period

Description: D:\Documents\WEBS\JuicerCollector-2007\Juicers\Images_2\Crown_Bullet.jpg

Small reamer (cone).

Description: D:\Documents\WEBS\JuicerCollector-2007\Juicers\Images_2\Crown_Bullet.jpg

Flat area between the reamer and the pip collectors.

Description: D:\Documents\WEBS\JuicerCollector-2007\Juicers\Images_2\Crown_Bullet.jpg

Ridges of the reamer point at the pip collectors.

Description: D:\Documents\WEBS\JuicerCollector-2007\Juicers\Images_2\Crown_Bullet.jpg

This type may or may not have mould numbers.

Type 5 - Side view
Type 3 - top view

Type 4

Description: D:\Documents\WEBS\JuicerCollector-2007\Juicers\Images_2\Crown_Bullet.jpg

Middle size reamer (cone).

Description: D:\Documents\WEBS\JuicerCollector-2007\Juicers\Images_2\Crown_Bullet.jpg

Sloping area between the reamer and the pip collectors.

Description: D:\Documents\WEBS\JuicerCollector-2007\Juicers\Images_2\Crown_Bullet.jpg

Ridges of the reamer point at the pip collectors.

Description: D:\Documents\WEBS\JuicerCollector-2007\Juicers\Images_2\Crown_Bullet.jpg

This type has not been seen with mould numbers.

Type 4 - Side view
Type 4 - top view

Type 5

Description: D:\Documents\WEBS\JuicerCollector-2007\Juicers\Images_2\Crown_Bullet.jpg

Large reamer (cone). The reamer touches the bases of the pip collectors.

Description: D:\Documents\WEBS\JuicerCollector-2007\Juicers\Images_2\Crown_Bullet.jpg

Sloping area between the reamer and the pip collectors.

Description: D:\Documents\WEBS\JuicerCollector-2007\Juicers\Images_2\Crown_Bullet.jpg

Ridges of the reamer point at (and touch) the pip collectors.

Description: D:\Documents\WEBS\JuicerCollector-2007\Juicers\Images_2\Crown_Bullet.jpg

This type has not been seen with mould numbers.

Description: D:\Documents\WEBS\JuicerCollector-2007\Juicers\Images_2\Crown_Bullet.jpg Heavier than the previous types.
Description: D:\Documents\WEBS\JuicerCollector-2007\Juicers\Images_2\Crown_Bullet.jpg

You cannot stack this type as the large cone doesn't fit into the next juicer.

Type 5 - Side view
Type 5 - top view

Type 6

Description: D:\Documents\WEBS\JuicerCollector-2007\Juicers\Images_2\Crown_Bullet.jpg

Large reamer (cone). The reamer touches the bases of the pip collectors.

Description: D:\Documents\WEBS\JuicerCollector-2007\Juicers\Images_2\Crown_Bullet.jpg

Sloping area between the reamer and the pip collectors.

Description: D:\Documents\WEBS\JuicerCollector-2007\Juicers\Images_2\Crown_Bullet.jpg

Ridges of the reamer point at (and touch) the pip collectors.

Description: D:\Documents\WEBS\JuicerCollector-2007\Juicers\Images_2\Crown_Bullet.jpg

Rim, tab handle and pouring spout have a distinct speckled finiish.

Description: D:\Documents\WEBS\JuicerCollector-2007\Juicers\Images_2\Crown_Bullet.jpg

This type has not been seen with mould numbers.

Description: D:\Documents\WEBS\JuicerCollector-2007\Juicers\Images_2\Crown_Bullet.jpg

Heavier than the other types.

Description: D:\Documents\WEBS\JuicerCollector-2007\Juicers\Images_2\Crown_Bullet.jpg

You cannot stack this type as the large cone doesn't fit into the next juicer.

Type 6 - Side view
Type 6 - top view
Crown Crystal Glass documentation of changes
Compare lemon squeezers
Also note the relative size and shape of the reamers (cones)
Catalogue No. 59 is thought to be late 1940s to early 1950s


Distinct size variations

Compare side views

Juicer 112

Juicer 162

Juicer 111

Description: D:\Documents\WEBS\JuicerCollector-2007\Juicers\Images_2\Crown_Bullet.jpg

Juicer 112 has a larger reamer than juicers 111, 164 and 355

Description: D:\Documents\WEBS\JuicerCollector-2007\Juicers\Images_2\Crown_Bullet.jpg

Juicer 162 has a much shallower bowl than other juicers with this pattern.

Description: D:\Documents\WEBS\JuicerCollector-2007\Juicers\Images_2\Crown_Bullet.jpg

Juicer 355 has a larger reamer than juicer 111 and smaller than juicer 112

Description: D:\Documents\WEBS\JuicerCollector-2007\Juicers\Images_2\Crown_Bullet.jpg

Juicers 355 and 112 have a slope between the reamer and the pip collector.

Description: D:\Documents\WEBS\JuicerCollector-2007\Juicers\Images_2\Crown_Bullet.jpg

Juicers 111 and 164 has a definite flat area between the reamer and the pip collector.



Clear glass and tints
Tints are weak colours in otherwise clear glass and not the coloured glass

Compare side views including colour

Juicer 112

Juicer 162 Juicer 355 111 Juicer 163
Description: D:\Documents\WEBS\JuicerCollector-2007\Juicers\Images_2\Crown_Bullet.jpg

Juicer 163 is a distinct grey coloured juicer, and is easily mistaken in natural light as being dirty. This glass is definitrly a smokey grey colour. I have several specimens of this colour and they are all early shapes.

  Crown Crystal Australia Flint Glass Juicer
(Click to enlarge)
Description: D:\Documents\WEBS\JuicerCollector-2007\Juicers\Images_2\Crown_Bullet.jpg Another specimen which is easily mistaken in natural light as being dirty is a yellow brown/grey colour. In low light it appears to be coloured glass. This includes a Type 3 specimen.
Description: D:\Documents\WEBS\JuicerCollector-2007\Juicers\Images_2\Crown_Bullet.jpg I also have specimens with a definite green tinge.
Image 1: When placed between a clear specimen and a green specimen the differences are very obvious. (Click to enlarge)
Image 2: When a clear specimen is placed between and a green specimen and a tinged specimen the differences are very obvious. (Click to enlarge)
Crown Crystal Glass green tinge

In these images some light from green glass is reflected in the clear glass.
Crown Crystal Glass green tinge


Links to other pages with research on Crown Crystal Glass Co. Ltd.