Davidson Glass saucer shape green glass juicer

A 1 piece green glass saucer shape juicer with an offset tab handle. The bowl is surrounded with fluting that extends to the handle and pouring spout. The reamer cone is surrounded by pip collectors.

Material Glass - Green (Glows under UV light although it may not be urannium glass)
Diameter 134 mm
Height 66 mm, height varies
Weight 273 g
Maker Davidson Glass
Mary Walker No. N-2248
Notes English. Davidson Glass "Lemon Squeezer". Listed in the Davidson English Pressed Glass catalogue (Approx. 1940). Pattern also listed in their late 1890s catalogue.

Reproduced by a Chinese maker in 2004. It was sold in Australia in Big W department stores. See: New_Juicers_581.htm, New_Juicers_582.htm and New_Juicers_583.htm
I have seen other modern copies that look more like glass produced in India although they are probably all made in China. They have a much thinner tab handle and the detail of the handles suggest that there is more than one manufacturer.
Colours known for the 'reproductions' include green, blue and pink.
Update: 2018. I have purchased a blue and a green example with the same features as the blue juicer mentioned above. It has a barcoded label describing them as "Juicer glass azure" and "Juicer glass pistachio" by "Wheel&Barrow", a chain of stores in Australia.

Top view of Davidson Glass saucer shape green glass juicer
Top view of Davidson Glass saucer shape green glass juicer
Davidson Glass saucer shape green glass juicer under UV light
Davidson Glass saucer shape green glass juicer under UV light
A DW Chandler Ltd, Australia, 1938 listing for Davidson Glass saucer shape glass juicer
A DW Chandler Ltd, Australia, 1938 listing for Davidson Glass saucer shape glass juicer
Lasserters' Monthly Commercial Review (1913), listing for Davidson Glass saucer shape glass juicer
Lasserters' Monthly Commercial Review (1913), listing for Davidson Glass saucer shape glass juicer