Chinese green glass ribbed juicer- JuicerCollector

Chinese green glass ribbed juicer

A 1 piece green glass saucer shape juicer with an offset tab handle. The bowl is surrounded with vertical ribbing that extends to the handle and pouring spout. The reamer cone is surrounded by pip collectors and has a distinctive nipple.

Material Glass - Green
Diameter 135 mm
Length 149 mm (Length from pouring spout to opposite rim)
Height 76 mm, height varies
Maker Unknown Chinese maker
Mary Walker No. Reproduction of N-2248
Retail price  AU$6.96 (Big W)
Date 2006
Notes Made in China and retailed in Australia by Big W during 2006-2008. A similar pattern to an English juicer etc. and not really a reproduction. Available in clear, blue, green & pink glass. Note that there is a barcode below the tab handle on the right of the juicer.
There are blue examples being listed online with a tab grip which is very similar to the original English juicers although it is,especially the handle, much thinner.
Update: 2018. I have purchased a blue and a green example with the same features as the blue juicer mentioned above. It has a barcoded label describing them as "Juicer glass azure" and "Juicer glass pistachio" by "Wheel&Barrow", a chain of stores in Australia.

Top view of a Wheel&Barrow Chinese green glass ribbed juicer
Top view of a Wheel&Barrow Chinese green glass ribbed juicer
Label on a Wheel&Barrow Chinese green glass ribbed juicer
Label on a Wheel&Barrow Chinese green glass ribbed juicer
Tab handle on a Wheel&Barrow Chinese green glass ribbed juicer
Tab handle on a Wheel&Barrow Chinese green glass ribbed juicer
The Big W Chinese green glass ribbed juicer
The Big W Chinese green glass ribbed juicer
(Damged in storage)
3 colours of the Chinese reproduction glass juicers sold by Woolworths (Australia) in 2006
3 colours of the Chinese reproduction glass juicers sold by Woolworths (Australia) in 2006