A 1 pint green Crown Crystal glass juicer jug set
Description A green glass juicer set. The jug is mark for cups and 20 ounce pints. The reamer which sits on top of the jug has 8 'rectangular' drain holes and a tab handle.
Material Glass - green
Diameter Reamer: 110 mm, Jug: 116 mm
Height Reamer: 61 mm, Jug: 124 mm, Complete: 169 mm
Maker Crown Crystal Glass Co. Ltd. (Australia)
Mary Walker No. Not listed
Notes The jug size varies or is not symetrical and the reamer is not an exact fit on all these jugs. This would suggest that the 1 pint jugs were made before/after the addition of the matching juicer insert.
The juicer insert or reamer is similar to Hazel Atlas Glass Co. inserts, although, this one is smaller.
The dull glow under UV light (see below) suggests it has manganese, potasium compounds, etc.
See: Uranium glass version
I cannot find any reference to this size juicer top which I have in both green and clear glass.

Reamer for a 1 pint green Crown Crystal glass juicer jug set
Reamer for a 1 pint green Crown Crystal glass juicer jug set
Reamer for a 1 pint green Crown Crystal glass juicer jug set
Reamer for a 1 pint green Crown Crystal glass juicer jug set
Showing the both the green glass and uranium green glass juicer jug set under UV light
Showing the both the green glass and uranium green glass juicer jug set under UV light
Showing the difference between this small green juicer top and the normal size Anchor Hocking or Hazel Altlas
Showing the difference between this small green juicer top and the normal size Anchor Hocking or Hazel Altlas