Carlton Ware pink water lily juicer jug - JuicerCollector
Carlton Ware pink water lily juicer jug
Description A Carlton Ware 'Water Lily' loop handle juicer jug.
Material China
Diameter 87 mm
Length 123 mm
Height 52 mm
Weight 149 g
Maker Carlton Ware
Mary Walker No.

Not listed

Notes Carlton Ware embossed Water lily pattern.The top of this juf is flat while the creamer has a ruffled rim.
No basemark on the jug. Onlt the artist's mark is visible. Printed on the base of the plate. "MADE IN ENGLAND", "TRADEMARK". "REGISTERED" snd "AUSTRALIAN DESIGN REGISTRATION APPLIED FOR"
Also see:Old_Juicers_1973.htm

This jug would use the large Carlton Ware ruffled reamer.


Base of Carlton Ware pink water lily juicer jug
Base of Carlton Ware pink water lily juicer jug
Basemark of Carlton Ware pink water lily juicer with plate
Basemark of Carlton Ware pink water lily juicer with plate