Carlton Ware yellow Gumnut juicer jug - JuicerCollector
Carlton Ware Yellow Gumnut juicer jug
Description A Carlton Ware yellow 'Gumnut ' loop hand juicer jug.
Material China
Diameter 89 mm
Length 127 mm
Height 48 mm
Weight 135 g
Maker Carlton Ware
Mary Walker No.

T-220 (Colour variant)


Carlton Ware embossed Gumnut pattern. "AUSTRALIAN DESIGN APPLICATION No. 10805", "Rd. No. 789942"
Also see:
This jug would use the large Carlton Ware ruffled reamer.


Basemark of Carlton Ware Yellow Gumnut juicer jug
Basemark of Carlton Ware yellow Gumnut juicer jug