Pastel green plastic juicer on glass jar

A plastic juicer on a clear glass . The juicer top, which has a pouring spout, doubles as a screw on lid. Measurements for pints/ounces and for cups/ounces.

Material Plastic on glass jar
Diameter Reamer: 90 mm
Height Reamer: 58 mm, Jar: 126 mm, Complete (Juicer upright): 182 mm
Maker Australian
Mary Walker No. Not listed
Notes Australian measurements upto 1 pint = 20 ounces.
There is a similar juicer produced in England. The reamer top has a different pattern plus a tab handle and the English jar has no measurements.

Closed Pastel green plastic juicer on glass jar
Closed Pastel green plastic juicer on glass jar
AGM logo - Pastel green plastic juicer on glass jar
AGM logo - Pastel green plastic juicer on glass jar
2 colours of plastic juicer on glass jar
2 colours of plastic juicer on glass jar