'OG' in a circle on the tab handle on a clear glass juicer

A 1 piece clear glass saucer shape juicer with an offset tab handle. There are 27 concave elliptical panels around the bowl. The base has a ring of close relief dots.

Material Glass - Clear
Diameter 116 mm
Height 56 mm
Maker Oberhausen glass factory - Funke & Becker
Mary Walker No. Not listed
Notes The tab handle is embossed with an overlapping 'O' & 'G' in a circle.
This pattern was listed in OG (Oberhausen glass factory) 1937 catalogue.
Compare with Old_Juicers_2081.htm and Old_Juicers_2083.htm

Top view of a 'OG' in a circle on the tab handle on a clear glass juicer
Top view of a 'OG' in a circle on the tab handle on a clear glass juicer
Lipped clear glass juicer
The 'OG' in a circle on the tab handle on a clear glass juicer