Anchor Hocking ribbed yellow glass 'speckled base' juicer - JuicerCollector
Anchor Hocking ribbed yellow glass 'speckled base' juicer
Description A pale yellow glass jug like juicer. The bowl and tab handle are fluted.
Material Glass - Yellow (Pale)
Diameter 156 mm
Length 199mm
Height 6 mm
Weight 495 g
Maker Anchor Hocking Company
Mary Walker No. N-314 Book image does not allow for seeing variations to this juicer over its production life.
Notes Base is speckled and has no feet.

Anchor Hocking ribbed yellow glass 'speckled base' juicer top view
Anchor Hocking ribbed yellow glass 'speckled base' juicer top view
Colour comparison of Anchor Hocking ribbed yellow glass 'speckled base' juicers
Colour comparison of Anchor Hocking ribbed yellow glass 'speckled base' juicers