Anchor Hocking Glass dry measure green juicer
Description A green glass 2 piece juicer. The jug is embossed with measurements on the front and back upto 2 Cups = 16 ounces. The reamer has 8 elogated 'rectangular' drain holes.
Material Glass - Green
Diameter Reamer: 131 mm Jug: 131 mm.
Height Reamer: 68 mm, Jug: 98 mm. Combined: 145 mm
Maker Anchor Hocking Glass Co.
Mary Walker No. Not listed
Notes Since the measurements do not include pints, I have concluded that this is a dry measure jug. The dimensions are similar enough to to be used with the reamer top.

Top view of a pale pink Hazel Atlas panelled juicer
The reamer for an Anchor Hocking Glass dry measure green juicer
Anchor Hocking Glass dry measure green juicer under UV light
Anchor Hocking Glass dry measure green juicer under UV light