Dark amethyst saucer reproduction juicer - JuicerCollector
Dark amethyst saucer reproduction juicer
Description A dark amethyst saucer reproduction juicer glass 1 piece juicer with offset handle. There are 24 hollow elliptical panels around the bowl.
Material Glass - Dark amethyst
Diameter 128 mm
Height 65 mm
Maker Edna Barnes using an old imperial mould.
Mary Walker No. N-237 (Reproduction)
Notes Described as 'black' in some books. The colour, when held upto the light, is a dark crimson rather than a dark purple.
The bowl is embossed on the base with "I" over "G" and "81"

Top view dark amethyst saucer reproduction juicer
Top view of a dark amethyst saucer reproduction juicer