White polka dots on red juicer with white reamer
Description A 2 piece ceramic juicer. The pink jug has has white polka dots. The reamer is white with gold trim.
Material Ceramic
Diameter Reamer: 97 mm, Jug (Max): 114 mm
Length Jug: 141 mm (spout to handle tip)
Height Reamer: 59 mm, Jug: 66 mm, Combined: 116 mm
Weight Reamer: 111 g, Jug: 242 g, Combined: 353 g
Maker Pagoda China, Japan
Mary Walker No. Not listed

The reamer for a white polka dots on a pink juicer with white reamer
The reamer for a white polka dots on a pink juicer with white reamer
The basemark on a white polka dots on a pink juicer with white reamer
The basemark on a white polka dots on a pink juicer with white reamer