Brown and black on green cottage with water wheel juicer

A 2 piece ceramic juicer in the shape of water mill. The front has the door and the back has the water wheel. The walls which are surrounded ny dark pink flowers are pale green with black and brown trim. The square reamer is pale green. There is a set of tumblers with a similar design.

Material Ceramic
Diameter Reamer: 107 mm, Jug: 108 mm
Height Reamer: 59 mm, Jug: 91 mm, Combined: 119 mm
Weight Reamer: 110 g, Jug: 315 g, Combined: 425 g
Maker Tashiro Shoten Ltd
Mary Walker No. F-58

The reamer for a brown and black on green cottagewith showing the water wheel juicer
Showing the water wheel on a brown and black on green cottagewith showing the water wheel juicer
Showing the water wheel on a brown and black on green cottagewith showing the water wheel juicer
Brown and black on green cottagewith showing the water wheel juicer with tumblers
Brown and black on green cottagewith showing the water wheel juicer with tumblers
Basemark on a brown and black on green cottagewith showing the water wheel juicer
Basemark on a brown and black on green cottagewith showing the water wheel juicer