Anchor Hocking bottle green juicer
Description A 1 piece bottle green coloured glass jug like juicer with opposing loop handle. The bowl sits on a pedestal foot. There is continuous fluting around the bowl.
Material Glass - Green (bottle green - Uranium)
Diameter 158 mm
Height 95 mm
Maker Anchor Hocking Glass Company
Mary Walker No. N-347

Anchor Hocking bottle green juicer under UV light
Anchor Hocking bottle green juicer under UV light

Newspaper metal image block for the Anchor Hocking Glass Company juicer
Newspaper metal image block for the Anchor Hocking Glass Company juicer
A Pritzlaff Wisconsin wholesale listing for the Anchor Hocking Glass Company juicer
A Pritzlaff Wisconsin wholesale listing for the Anchor Hocking Glass Company juicer