Mickey Mouse yellow glove juicer
Description A 2 piece juicer in the form of Mickey Mouse. The body is black on white, with pink lips and feet/shoes. The elongated circular reamer, which sits a rest behind the head, is white with black trim. The gloves are yellow.
Material Ceramic
Diameter Reamer: 68 mm, Jug: (Rim): 89 mm
Length Reamer: 77 mm,
Height Reamer: 44 mm, Jug (Ears): 143 mm, Complete: 158 mm
Weight Reamer: g, Jug: 413 g, Combined: g
Maker Made in Japan
Mary Walker No. F-109a (Yellow glove variant)

Note: These jugs can be distinguished from the ceamers by the flat area behind the ears and 'rest' in the opening use to support the juicer top.
Also see: Blue gloves Mickey Mouse

  Mickey Mouse

The reamer for a Mickey Mouse yellow glove juicer
The reamer for a Mickey Mouse yellow glove juicer

Front Mickey Mouse yellow glove juicer -Note inner ledge onMickey Mouse juicer

Front and back of a Mickey Mouse yellow glove juicer

The basemark on a Mickey Mouse yellow glove juicer
The basemark on a Mickey Mouse yellow glove juicer