Description | A green glass juicer insert. The reamer has 8 elongated 'rectangular' drain holes. |
Material | Glass - Green (Uranium glass) |
Diameter | 126 mm |
Length | |
Height | 59 mm |
Weight | 287 g |
Maker | Anchor Hocking Glass Co. |
Mary Walker No. | N-130 |
Notes | Fluoresces
under UV light If I have measured this insert correctly then it is a different size, that is, smaller when compared with 1 pint measure set. Both the diameter and the height are 5 - 6 mm (¼") smaller, and this is significant, as it sits on a jug and not in the jug. I will verrify as soon as possible. |
Anchor Hocking green glass juicer top view
Hazel Atlas V's Anchor Hocking juicer top
(Click to enlarge)