Anchor Hocking green glass juicer top

A green glass juicer insert. The reamer has 8 elongated 'rectangular' drain holes.

Material Glass - Green (Uranium glass)
Diameter 126 mm
Height 59 mm
Weight 287 g
Maker Anchor Hocking Glass Co.
Mary Walker No. N-130
Notes Fluoresces under UV light
If I have measured this insert correctly then it is a different size, that is, smaller when compared with 1 pint measure set. Both the diameter and the height are 5 - 6 mm (¼") smaller, and this is significant, as it sits on a jug and not in the jug. I will verrify as soon as possible.

Anchor Hocking green glass juicer top view
Anchor Hocking green glass juicer top view
Hazel Atlas V's Anchor Hocking juicer top
Hazel Atlas V's Anchor Hocking juicer top
(Click to enlarge)