U.S. Glass Co. Clambroth (Translucent white) juicer

A 1 piece clambroth (Translucent white) glass juicer with an offset tab handle. The reamer has a clockwise spiral and the tab handle has an indentfor better grip. The bowl has 28 panels.

Material Glass - Clambroth (Translucent white)
Diameter 66 mm
Height 141 mm
Maker U.S. Glass Co.
Mary Walker No. N-253
Notes Embossed on base, read fron the top, "ORANGE JUICE EXTRACTOR"

The embossed on base of a U.S. Glass Co. Clambroth (Translucent white) juicer
The embossed on base of a U.S. Glass Co. Clambroth (Translucent white) juicer