Manny's Pat. Aug. 25, 1885 clear glass juicer - JuicerCollector
Manny's Pat.Aug.25, 1885 clear glass juicer
Description A stand alone clear glass juicer top. The rim is embossed.
Material Glass - Clear
Diameter 95 mm
Maker Canton Glass Co.
Mary Walker No. N-106
Notes Manny's Pat. Aug. 25, 1885
The advertisement below shows, as does the patent application, that it sat on a specific glass although it could sit on any glass, etc.

Many's Pat.Aug.25, 1885 clear glass juicer top view
Manny's Pat. Aug. 25, 1885 clear glass juicer top view
Advertisement for Manny's Pat. Aug. 25, 1885 clear glass juicer
Advertisement for Manny's Pat. Aug. 25, 1885 clear glass juicer
(Click to see more advertising)

Relevant patents for this juicer
Many's Pat.Aug.25, 1885 clear glass juicer top view
Many's Pat.Aug.25, 1885 clear glass juicer top view
J.P. Manny Patent Aug. 25, 1885
It is diificult to see how this patent protected this juicer
Canadian patent No. 35497, 26/11/1890
This patent clearly applies to this juicer