A Katie Alice blue and white Lemon Juicer - JuicerCollector

A Katie Alice blue and white Lemon Juicer

A 2 piece white ceramic juicer. A vintage blue and white look with dark blue roses scattered amongst small polka dots. The top, which has a very small reamer, is dark blue.

Material Ceramic
Diameter Reamer: 103 mm, Jug: (Rim): 99 mm
Height Reamer: 43 mm, Jug: 85 mm, Complete: 106 mm
Maker Creative Tops Ltd
Mary Walker No. Not listed
Retail price  AU$30.19 (including shipping)
Date May 2018
Notes Marketed as the "Katie Alice Vintage Indigo Lemon Juicer"
Made in China. Note: Country of manufacture not indicated on the item or packaging.

The reamer for a Katie Alice blue and white Lemon Juicer
The reamer for a Katie Alice blue and white Lemon Juicer
The basemark on a Katie Alice blue and white Lemon Juicer
The basemark on a Katie Alice blue and white Lemon Juicer
The package label on a Katie Alice blue and white Lemon Juicer
The package label on a Katie Alice blue and white Lemon Juicer
A packaged Katie Alice blue and white Lemon Juicer
A packaged Katie Alice blue and white Lemon Juicer